Hi there! I'm Felid AKA Meowtatofuzz! This is my little corner of the internet to get away from it all... Click around and see what you can find~ Over there on the side are some buttons that will take you to other pages around here! I suggest clicking on the "About me" page if you're interested in knowing more about me, the webmistress here! Some things I love the most are bright colors and sparkly things, sweets but also spicy and savory foods, loud music, cats and internet nostalgia. As for why I made this website, the current state of the greater web and social media is socially draining and exhausting. I really hate seeing so much hate and pessimism on mainstream social medias, it's like they were designed to funnel endless negativity into you. It all makes the world seem so grey and gloomy, doesn't it? Let me bring some more color back into your life!